by Donison Law Firm | Feb 19, 2020 | Divorce with Children, Financial Management, General Discussion
This month I worked with two very different couples in two very different mediations, and it occurred to me that if you are in the divorce process, you know nothing of other clients’ experiences, which might be helpful in making a decision about mediation....
by Donison Law Firm | Feb 12, 2020 | Divorce with Children, Financial Management, General Discussion, Legal Information
My cousin (who is also an attorney, but not in Arizona and not in family law) sent me a message a few days ago, on behalf of her friend who is getting divorced. Jana’s question was, “how does Amy choose a divorce attorney and what questions should she be...
by Brian Donison | Dec 12, 2019 | General Discussion, Holistic Health
I was inspired to blog about this topic from — of all things — a Champion sportswear ad that posed the question and went on to say, “The summit awaits each of us — and the symbolism of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, can help us...
by Donison Law Firm | Nov 29, 2019 | Divorce with Children, Financial Management, General Discussion, Legal Information
Are you Above Average? You might think so, but you’re probably not when it comes to divorce. Becoming Above Average is not nearly as hard as it sounds. When it comes to family law matters, you don’t have to have a low percent of body fat, high IQ, big...
by Brian Donison | Sep 28, 2019 | Double Divorce, Financial Management, General Discussion, Legal Information
How much is your case expected to contribute to a firm’s cash flow? In a previous blog, Financial Bedlam, I introduced you to Tim and Kathy, an average couple with ordinary problems, who got an ordinary divorce. It was just “average.” It...